Hi All,


I am hoping someone can help me with a couple of newbie questions.


  1. In Plesk, I cannot see the user’s email in the Bayesian Training portion All it shows is a button to clear the database, but what I want is a way to retrain the ‘spam’ham’ etc…Any ideas?




2. Can anybody elaborate on this -----RPM: SpamAssassin RPMs can be built directly from the tar file.

·         Simply run: rpmbuild -tb Mail-SpamAssassin-3.1.0.tar.gz

Do I run this after having uploaded the .tar to my server?


I realize these query’s are a bit disjointed, but any help is much appreciated.







Peter McEwen

Web Developer

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
PMB 121
1187 Coast Village Rd., Suite 1
Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2794
Ph:  805 965-3443
Fax:  805 568-0466



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