
since the owner of that list does not reply to any mails looking for help ( I have been registred here for several years under Volker/[EMAIL PROTECTED], but my postings do not appear here anymore) I had to set up a new account.

Following problem:

I am running SpamAssassin-3.1.5 under FreeBSD 5.4 with procmail and spamd daemon.

2 weeks ago I updated SpamAssassin to the current 3.1.5 version. Meanwhile very often the TOP command does show upĀ  "spamd child (perl5.8.8)-processes" consuming nearly 90% CPU time what results in a bottle neck for the other processes i.e. my apache and mysql server.

I disabled razor2 and DCC in my local.cf meanhwile because I thought the problem could derive from internet connections not timing out but the phenomen still exists.

Those 90%-consuming spam child processed did not show up under my older spamassassin 3.1.2.

Does anyone have an idea what is going on here and how I can solve that problem?

Thanks and best regards


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