Our system seems to be getting sporadic at times, all of the sudden spam
will flood in and after checking the header I am finding this on the
messages getting by:

SpamAssassin (SpamAssassin rebuilding)

We are running sa-learn as a cron job.

I am currently running this in our cron job.

#! /bin/sh

sa-learn --ham --no-rebuild ham_directory
sa-learn --spam --no-rebuild spam_directory
sa-learn --rebuild

I grabbed this off the SA WIKI

What can I do to resolve this, it's almost as if spamassassin is timing out,
which seems to produce the same results, a flood of unfiltered emails.

I am also trying to Google the answer, but under the gun as our clients are
getting testy about seeing spam. I told them it was a comparison on how
effective we filter and every-now-and-then allow a bunch of spam in to show
how great it works ;)

David Thurman
The Web Presence Group
Web Development/E-Commerce/CMS/Hosting/Dedicated Servers

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