Michael Parker suggested I post this here on users@ since most of the
Wiki work is not actually done by SVN committers.  I was tempted to
actually just post this to the Wiki changes list, but that just seemed
wrong.  :-)

Anyway, I think we need to pay attention to the overall organization of
wiki pages.  For example, there are a zillion Bayes pages with
overlapping information and not much organization.

    * BayesAccuracy
    * BayesBitMe
    * BayesFaq
    * BayesFeedbackViaForwarding
    * BayesInSpamAssassin
    * BayesNotWorking
    * BayesUpgradeError
    * SiteWideBayesFeedback
    * SiteWideBayesSetup
    * SitewidePostfixBayes 
    * AutolearningNotWorking
    * FixingBadLearning
    * LearningMarkedUpMessages
    * UsingAnAccountForLearning 

In addition, there's not quite enough design in terms of the high-level
organization.  I'm wondering if we shouldn't try to structure most of
the documentation in terms of areas (in terms of how users think of
things, generally) and then documents like the FAQ and the problem
solving stuff point into those documents.

Anyway, just thinking out loud here.  :-)

(By the way, Wiki editing is open to anyone who creates an account.)


Daniel Quinlan                     ApacheCon! 13-17 November (3 SpamAssassin
http://www.pathname.com/~quinlan/  http://www.apachecon.com/  sessions & more)

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