Hello spamassasin_list,

  Hello all!
  I'm new in this list, so maybe I'll say something wrong.
  I seccesfully installed the sa on my system(freebsd 5.3) and
  attached him to courirer 0.53. I'm using the AuthCourier.pm script
  for cooperation between courier and sa and that is my maildroprc
exception {
        xfilter "/usr/local/bin/spamc"
exception {
        include "$HOME/.mailfilter"
  But when I send some message through courier it said

  getpwuid() failed: Unknown error: 0

  Sorry, but I dont understand so deep the principles of work the perl
  and can't find the reason why it was saing like this.
  I'll be thankfull for any help.

Best regards,
Sergio Bortsov(Global Ukraine Lan ISP),                          mailto:[EMAIL 

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