At 23:25 -0800 03/18/2005, jdow wrote:
>Not having read the first part of this I do note there is not any blanket
>way to say it's only related to not starting spamd. There is still the
>3.0x bug related to spamd children. The FIRST time a child runs a message
>it reads rules properly. Every time after the first time it does not pick
>up the per user rule scores. It picks up the user rules but not the
>scores. I *WISH* this could be repaired.

FERVENT agreement here. This bug is driving me nutso. According to the
bugzilla thread, it's been repaired but where's the patch update?

Vicki Brown          ZZZ
Journeyman Sourceror:  zz  |\     _,,,---,,_     Code, Docs, Process,
Scripts & Philtres      zz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_   Perl, WWW, Mac OS X       |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-'   SF Bay Area, CA  USA
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