On 10-03-19 7:56 AM, "users-digest-h...@spamassassin.apache.org"
<users-digest-h...@spamassassin.apache.org> wrote:

> <editorial comment>
> (why would you enter such things as this since neither facebook not
> linkedin have any way to stop spamming you?.. no, they don't.  all 500MM
> people on facebook or linkedin can spam you, and you have to remove
> them, or unsubscribe, one at a time,  the linkedin 'never send me email'
> has never worked, so I locally blacklist them. now, I guess I will start
> to get their spam.
> </>


LI are very proactive at shutting down abusive participants on their
networks. They have some stringent limitations in how address-book uploads
are undertaken and user accounts deployed.

"the linkedin 'never send me email' has never worked"

If you have verifiable proof of this, feel free to send it to my attention
offlist, and I will have someone here take it up with the company.

Neil Schwartzman
Senior Director
Security Strategy, Receiver Services
Return Path Inc.
[303] 999-3217
Tweets: ReturnPathHelp

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