Hi Brane,

Sorry for the late response.


Which version of Subversion are you using?


D:\Subversion\XXXX>svn --version

svn, version 1.9.2 (r1703836)

   compiled Sep 22 2015, 20:12:15 on x86-microsoft-windows


In general it is safe to run multiple Subversion commands simultaneously

on the same working copy; access to the working copy database is

transactional and protected by the global database lock.


So, I just tried this in case it was changed. I opened two console windows
and ran "svn up" in both.


The second one reports:

D:\Subversion\XXXX>svn up

svn: E155004: Run 'svn cleanup' to remove locks (type 'svn help cleanup' for

svn: E155004: Working copy 'D:\Subversion\XXXX' locked.

svn: E155004: 'D:\Subversion\XXXX' is already locked.


Of course that is clear to me as an engineer, but some technical people
managed to break their repository that way.


Basically my suggestion is that SVN tries to detect if a workspace is locked
because another process is still working on it, or if it is locked because a
process was terminated before it correctly unlocked the repository. Though I
guess the tricky bit will be to handle this cross-platform.




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