I have a team of about seven people, both on Macs and PCs.  Within the last 
couple of weeks, we have been experiencing frequent occurrences of lost 
changes.  Someone will commit a change and later we discover that the change 
has been reverted.  Everyone claims that they are updating before they work on 
files.  Even if this was not always true, the SVN clients should catch commits 
that were not on the most recent files, correct?

Server is VisualSVN 2.5.3.

PC Clients:

TortoiseSVN 1.7.5, Build 22551 - 64 Bit

Mc Clients:

SmartSVN 6.6.11

SmartSVN Early Access 7EA4

Subversion Client Adapter for Eclipse 1.6.12
Subversion JavaHL 1.6.17
SVN Team Provider Core 1.6.18

Versions 1.1.10 Build 1029

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