
The last weeks we have been seeing troubles with our svn server (svn:// server).
The repository is quite large (158gb of data), and many files are quite big.

The problem if a person commits a large file (I've maily tested files in the size 200-500mb) to the server as someone else makes a update, then the whole server computer grinds to a halt and becomes unresponsive. So unresponsive that pressing the numlock button on the server keyboard doesn't light the keyboard light, and if the screen is running, the same screen is just shown with no signs of showing any responsiveness. This has resulted in me running to the server-room rebooting the server all day long today.

Does anyone have any idea how to debug this issue? I tried getting a log, (giving log-file to svnserve), that didn't give me much.

Any help would be GREATLY appriciated.

Kind regards/
Markus Rännare

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