Hi, I found a reference to someone having this problem in 2011, but there doesn't appear to have been any response or fix. Sorry if this is a repost or is already being investigated.
I have a path within a Subversion 1.4.4 server (with a 1.7.7 client) which has an external: http://svn.mycompany.co.uk/ |--> /my-repo/src |--> build-resources [ points to http://svn.mycompany.co.uk/my-repo/build-resources ] I'm moving the external to a different location: https://othersvn.mycompany.co.uk/new-repo/build-resources However, after I commit this, anyone who updates the directory gets the following error: External failed: my-repo\src\external Error: sqlite: constraint failed Error: sqlite: EXTERNALS.def_repos_relpath may not be NULL The external is updated correctly and the local copy seems to be OK, so this error is not a blocker. However, I'd prefer not to get the error in the first place, particularly as I update externals fairly often. This doesn't happen if the external is on the same repository as the parent. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create a directory in subversion (mkdir blah; svn add blah; svn commit blah) 2. Add and commit an external pointing at some other directory in the same repository (svn ps svn:externals ...; svn ci) 3. Edit and commit the external to point at any folder in a different repository (svn ps svn:externals ...) 4. Update the directory (svn up) You'll get the error on the last step. Steve.