

I am using/testing v1.7 RC3 on CentOS 5.7. I have created several
repositories and I am able to checkout/update/commit using the file://
protocol. I can access the repositories via http in a browser
(http://localhost/repo/projx) and browse through the folder structure
but when I try to checkout using http I get the following error (after
the authentication dialog):

    Redirect cycle detected for URL 'http://[ipaddress]/repo/projx'


My subversion.org looks like this:

<Location /repo>

   DAV svn

# SVNPath /svn/repo  

   SVNParentPath /svn/repo

      AuthType Basic

      AuthName "Subversion repos"

      AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-conf

      Require valid-user



What's going wrong?


Wybe Horsman



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