Hello: This is my svn version info, and my OS info D:\svn_indexer>svn --version svn, version 1.7.0-dev (under development) compiled Jul 22 2011, 19:11:38
D:\svn_indexer>systeminfo 主机名: YUANPEIZHI-PC OS 名称: Microsoft Windows 7 家庭普通版 OS 版本: 6.1.7600 暂缺 Build 7600 OS 制造商: Microsoft Corporation when I use svn cp D:\svn_indexer>svn cp http://svn1.***.com/arch/keyword/indexer/trunk http://svn1.***.com/arch/keyword/indexer/branches/20110906_comment svn: E200007: Error running context svn: E200007: Trying to use an unsupported feature I don't know why! How can I use the 'svn cp' funcion! Thanks! 袁佩之 yuanpei...@360buy.com 2011-09-06 11:24:06