After much wailing and nashing of teeth, I've finally resolved this error which 
was preventing me adding large files to SVN. I tried many combinations of 
'LimitReqestBody' and 'LimitXMLRequestBody' Apache directives as suggested by 
many Google search results without success. I belatedly checked the Apache 
error logs and discovered that the culprit was actually the 'mod_security' 
module. It was reporting 'ModSecurity: Request body (Content-Length) is larger 
than the configured limit (131072)'.

Upon examining the 'mod_security.conf' configuration file, I discovered that 
the value 'SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit' was indeed set to the default 131072 
bytes (128 KB). I commented out this line and the problem disappeared! I 
suspect it will now allow file sizes up to the 1GB hard limit.

There is another parameter 'SecResponseBodyLimit' which may also need 
adjusting. This is set to 524 288 bytes (512 KB).

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