[forwarding to users list, which I accidentally forgot to include]

On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Kari McNair <kmcn...@lingraphica.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to remove an invalid character from the end of a commit message.
> All the correct hooks are invoked but when I use...
> $ svn propset -r 671 --revprop svn:log "message" URL
> ...the command prompt window just hangs. I tried changing the message
> through TortoiseSVN but when I go to save the new message, it freezes. I've
> even just tried editing it from a Mac through Terminal and that just hangs
> as well. Anyone have any other ideas?

Only thing I can think of is that your pre-revprop-change hook causes
the hang. Can you share the contents of that hook?

Otherwise, as a first step, try to add some debug logging code to the
pre-revprop-change hook (echo some stuff to a file at the beginning of
your hook, and at the end). So you can see at least if the hook is
entered and exited correctly ...

Alternatively, if you don't care deeply about this issue, you can also
change log messages on the server itself by using the svnadmin command
(bypassing hooks if necessary):
$ svnadmin help setlog
setlog: usage: svnadmin setlog REPOS_PATH -r REVISION FILE

Set the log-message on revision REVISION to the contents of FILE.  Use
--bypass-hooks to avoid triggering the revision-property-related hooks
(for example, if you do not want an email notification sent
from your post-revprop-change hook, or because the modification of
revision properties has not been enabled in the pre-revprop-change

NOTE: Revision properties are not versioned, so this command will
overwrite the previous log message.

Valid options:
 -r [--revision] ARG      : specify revision number ARG (or X:Y range)
 --bypass-hooks           : bypass the repository hook system


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