I'm on Eclipse 3.5.2. I believe I have the latest version of Subversive
(it's either 0.7.8 or 2.2.1, depending on what piece you're asking
about). However, my SVN Connector is for version 1.5 (SVNKit 1.2.3), as
I have to work with a SVN 1.3.1 server. If I use the latest connector
version, it apparently causes errors with "already merged" when I try to
do a merge to a freshly checked-out project.

Now, I've checked out two versions of a project, one on the trunk, and
one on a branch. I don't really need the first one, it's just for
reference. After finishing the checkout, I right-click on the branch
project and select "Team"->"Merge". I browse in the SVN repo to the
trunk and start the merge.

After working for a long time, it finally fails with something like
Merge status operation failed.
Some of resources were not refreshed.
svn: Working copy '...\Exception' locked; try performing 'cleanup'

Errors occurred while refreshing resources with the local file system.
"Exception" is a directory.

I've now done this several times, each time completely deleting the
project I'm trying to merge to. This time I tried doing "Cleanup" from
the "Team" menu before doing the merge. It made no difference.

Although this is a very non-trivial project, with hundreds of source
files and directories, this merge attempt fails at the same point each
time, on that directory named "Exception".

What I now see is that when I go to the parent directory, the name of
that directory is actually "exception", both in my checked-out copy, and
in the SVN repo browser. I don't know if this discrepancy is the cause
of this problem or not.

Another thought I had: Is anyone aware of any problems that existing way
back in SVN 1.3.1 that would have caused problems with a Windows client,
either due to line ending, case sensitivity, or any other issue?

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