Here's my final (I hope block):

What is happening is that when I try to load anyfile.anyextension using
javascript, the tapestry app always returns the contents of index page,
rather than the contents of the requested file.

I also tried loading the file straight from the browser (i.e.,
http://localhost:8080/myfile.ext) and it still returns the contents of the
index page. It returns the same thing even when I type in a URL for a
non-existent file.

Is this a tapestry or jetty setting that I've missed?

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 3:32 PM, George Ludwig <>wrote:

> Thiago,
> You're definitely right, it's now a JS issue. I figured out that somehow I
> had downloaded a garbled sigma.parseGexf.js file, which was part of the
> problem.
> Quick javascript question: when I pass the filename for parsing to the
> gexf parser, I currently pass it with relationship to the webapp root...but
> since it still does not render (and everything else looks good right now),
> I'm assuming that I the JS needs a fully qualified local path.
> Thanks again for your input...
> -George
> On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 4:22 AM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo <
>> wrote:
>> Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < sigma.parseGexf.js:3
>>> Uncaught TypeError: Object #<m> has no method 'parseGexf'
>>> tap5-sigma.js:24
>> Are you sure sigma.parseGexf.js is correct? What's in line 24 of
>> tap5-sigma.js? Anyway, it seems that now this error is completely about
>> Sigma and JavaScript and not about Tapestry itself. What Tapestry version
>> are you using? JavaScript minification is enabled?
>> On Thu, 04 Jul 2013 01:36:04 -0300, George Ludwig <>
>> wrote:
>>  I'm at a point where it seems to me that it really should be working,
>>> yet I
>>> get this error in the javascript console:
>>> The method it can't find, parseGexf, is in the file sigma.parseGexf.js,
>>> and
>>> I've included it in the component's java file:
>>> @Import(library={"classpath:**com/intuit/tapestry5/sigmajs/**
>>> asset/sigma.min.js",
>>>  "classpath:com/intuit/**tapestry5/sigmajs/asset/sigma.**parseGexf.js",
>>>  "classpath:com/intuit/**tapestry5/sigmajs/asset/tap5-**sigma.js"})
>>> Here is the complete javascript file that is being executed in order to
>>> do
>>> the initialization:
>>> var sigmajs = Class.create();
>>> sigmajs.prototype = {
>>> initialize : function(id, gexfFile) {
>>>  // Instantiate sigma.js and customize rendering
>>> var sigInst = sigma.init(document.**getElementById(id)).**
>>> drawingProperties({
>>>  <<--- no error is thrown here
>>> defaultLabelColor : '#fff',
>>> defaultLabelSize : 14,
>>> defaultLabelBGColor : '#fff',
>>> defaultLabelHoverColor : '#000',
>>> labelThreshold : 6,
>>> defaultEdgeType : 'curve'
>>> }).graphProperties({
>>> minNodeSize : 0.5,
>>> maxNodeSize : 5,
>>> minEdgeSize : 1,
>>> maxEdgeSize : 1
>>> }).mouseProperties({
>>> maxRatio : 32
>>> });
>>> // Parse a GEXF encoded file to fill the graph
>>> sigInst.parseGexf(gexfFile);                     <<--- error is thrown
>>> here
>>> // Draw the graph :
>>> sigInst.draw();
>>> }
>>> }
>>> This seems to be a load order issue, yet I tried swapping the order of
>>> declaration of sigma.parseGexf.js and sigma.min.js, with the same result.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> -George
>>> On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 5:43 PM, George Ludwig <
>>> >wrote:
>>>  Cool, thanks a lot!
>>>> On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 3:50 PM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>  On Tue, 02 Jul 2013 19:47:14 -0300, George Ludwig <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>  I think I got to initialize my graph I need to pas it a file
>>>>>> it most appropriate to use JavaScriptSupport.**
>>>>>> addInitializerCall()
>>>>>> so that the name of the file can be pulled from the @parameter of the
>>>>>> component?
>>>>> For the parameter, it will make no difference. Regardless of using
>>>>> addScript() or addInitializerCall() you'll need to pass the file name
>>>>> in
>>>>> the parameters of these methods. As you've never did this before, use
>>>>> addScript(), which is easier.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
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>> --
>> Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
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