
We've ran into a problem with tapestry.

One of our customers has a strong interest in SEO optimization.

Currently our tapestry application (tapestry 5.1) is mounted to /shop/*.
This application provides multiple eCommerce stores.
Likewise the url for our german store is /shop/de_DE/*, the austrian store
can be found at
/shop/de_AT/, and yet another store is located at /shop/en_BX/.

Now our customer would like to "turn around" the mapping, so the german
store shall be located at /de_DE/shop/ etc.
My first idea was to mount tapestry to /* but I need to keep the /shop/ part
in the url.

Most components build their URLs like /{contextpath}/{locale}/component...

Is there any "easy" way to change that? I couldn't find anything.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Mark Fugmann

ZYRES digital media systems GmbH
Eschersheimer Landstr. 5-7
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 (0)69 98 55 99 - 23
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