Hi guys, this is slightly off topic but I know this problem has been solved
with tapestry so I'm sure there's some expertise in this forum.

I am attempting to add hot deploy functionality to an application which is
deployed to JBoss and uses spring mvc (sorry). I was hoping to be able to
hot deploy my spring controllers and back end services without re-starting
the server. I have attempted to do this in the past by updating an exploded
ear on jboss and touching the deployment descriptor but get out of memory

Basically my questions are:
1. Do I need to add classloader dropping wrappers to hot deploy my services
/ controllers?
2. Has anyone had success with JBoss's hot deploy
3. Am I better off to develop in Jetty because it's hot deploy is better
4. Can maven help me with this.

Sorry to ask this off topic question but I feel that these headaches have
been addressed by tapestry developers.


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