This is a big announcement ... something I've been working on pretty
much since I left Formos. I've partnered up with SkillsMatter to
provide my three-day, hands-on Tapestry training as a public enrollment
This is the exact same course I provide as on-site training, but we'll
be doing it at the SkillsMatter offices in London on February 10th, and
then in Paris on the 15th.
This is a big experiment for me and for SkillsMatter in terms of
growing the size of the Tapestry community. In fact, SkillsMatter has
really upped the ante here by offering 2-for-1 on the London
training ... that's a great way to kick things off!
I can't emphasize enough what a great opportunity this is for people to
get accelerated Tapestry training at a discount (even before factoring
in the 2-for-1 offer). I'm really looking forward to bringing many new
developers into the fold!
In addition, there will be a special, free evening event at each
location. Details on that to follow. I look forward to meeting even
more of you there!

Posted By Howard to Tapestry Central at 12/14/2009 11:19:00 AM

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