Re: Asset and dojo require

2007-02-06 Thread Andrea Chiumenti
andy, as usual you save me :) but a last thing: what's wrong with: dojo.registerModulePath("jfly.edt", "/asset.svc?path=%2Fjs%2Fjfly%2Fedt%2F"); dojo.require("jfly.edt.*"); Firefox firebug says: jfly is not defined document.edtEventHandler['tableForm'] = new jfly.edt.EdtEventHandler... Thhe .j

Re: Asset and dojo require

2007-02-06 Thread andyhot
You have to unprotect those assets... Here's an example: Andrea Chiumenti wrote: Hello it seems that dojo.require does not work with Asset provided by jar libs. I think that the problem is with digest, in fact the two assets

Asset and dojo require

2007-02-06 Thread Andrea Chiumenti
Hello it seems that dojo.require does not work with Asset provided by jar libs. I think that the problem is with digest, in fact the two assets mylib.jar:/js/jfly/edt/ and mylib.jar:/js/jfly/edt/edt.js are rendered as: /asset.svc?digest=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e&path=%2Fjs%2Fjfly%2Fedt%2