One of the requirement that struts/tiles can never fulfill is the preview
ability of the page and flexibility of changing the layout. That's why I'm
trying to look into Tapestry if it allows me to do that. Thanks!
Best Regards,
Deep Blue
On 12/8/06, Sam Gendler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, the asnwer to your question is still yes, but it isn't a
'normal' use of Tapestry much as it isn't obvious how to do it in
struts, either. As a result, I'd recommend that you don't use
Tapestry. Given your tight schedule and lack of familiarity with the
framework, I suspect you'll have a wo
Wow! Thanks for your reply! I didn't figure out that anyone will bother to
help me out as this is not a technical question.
Actually, I haven't been expressed my question very well. Here are a few
points I like to clarify:
1. The page that my client submit will eventually sit inside the the
I typed up a long response, but then reread your question and I think
maybe I need some clarification. I included my original response below
in case it answers your question. If you are looking for something
that can be included in any page, rendered by any framework, then I'm
not sure you really
My project has the following requirements:
1. It is a poll component that can be inserted in any page, at any place
that user like.
2. We don't have the control on how it should be display in the page, so,
cannot have one global template page (e.g. jsp) to insert inside the page.
But, we can