Hi everybody,

I need to react on form-input by hiding / disabling and unhiding /
enabeling parts of the form while the user enters data to that form.

Example: the users chooses "email" as communication-method by
cklicking the related radio-button. In this case a TextField for the
email-address should be enabled or appear directly after the

I was able to react on the activation of the radio-button by using
@OnEvent(component="myRadioComponent", value="change")
together with
<t:radio t:id="custom" t:mixins="t5components/OnEvent" event="change"/>

But I didn't manage to hide/unhide or deactivate/activate
form-components (I tried for example to reload the page but returning
null from the event-handler-method does not reload the page for event
"change" as far as I know).

I very much appreciate any help in this matter.


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