> Subject: Re: EventLink parameters
> From: lpri...@hope.nyc.ny.us
> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 11:06:10 -0400
> To: kcola...@live.com
> Seriously, I hate being "rude anonymous guy" but we have this saying in 
> aviation (my other profession)
> "this ain't your thing" and watching you taking the controls sadly knowing 
> that one of these days you are guaranteed to crash,
> hoping you aren't going to take other people with you.
> For you, Ken, this development thing "ain't your thing"
> You are asking the same questions over and over, trying the same things, 
> hoping to get a different result.
> This is the definition of insanity.
> Let it go.  Find another profession.  You will never make it in the 
> development world.
> On Oct 16, 2012, at 10:28 AM, Ken in Nashua wrote:
> > 
> > Lance, jap slappin me is going to make me a better engineer... thank you
> > 
> >                                    <t:eventLink  t:id="IndividualPage" 
> > parameters="pageValue" >
> >                                        <t:outputRaw 
> > value="${individualPageIndex}"/> 
> >                                    </t:eventLink>
> > 
> >    public int getPageValue() {
> >        return pageIndex + 2;
> >    }    
> > 
> > but as far as this code goes... it produces the following (including the 
> > lines commented out) (not sure what else to say... but i did find a 
> > solution with your help):
> > 
> > 41                                          <t:if test="pages">42           
> >                                         <t:Loop id="foreachpage" 
> > source="pages" value="currentPage" index="pageIndex">43                     
> >                                            <a>44                            
> >                                        <!-- <t:eventLink  
> > t:id="IndividualPage" t:parameters="prop:{'pageNum':'indexValue'}" > -->45  
> >                                                                  <!-- 
> > <t:eventLink  t:id="IndividualPage" t:context="${pageValue}" > -->46        
> >                                                                <t:eventLink 
> >  t:id="IndividualPage" parameters="pageValue" >47                           
> >                                                <t:outputRaw 
> > value="${individualPageIndex}"/> 48                                         
> >                                </t:eventLink>49                             
> >                                    </a>50                                   
> >                </t:Loop>51                                             
> > </t:if>locationclasspath:org/tynamo/examples/hibernatesecurity/components/Gallery.tml,
> >  line 46org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryExceptionFailure
> > reading parameter 'parameters' of component 
> > Home:gallerywidget.individualpage: Could not find a coercion from type 
> > java.lang.Integer to type 
> > java.util.Map.locationclasspath:org/tynamo/examples/hibernatesecurity/components/Gallery.tml,
> >  line 46org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.util.UnknownValueExceptionCould not find a 
> > coercion from type java.lang.Integer to type java.util.Map.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: kcola...@live.com
> > To: users@tapestry.apache.org
> > Subject: RE: EventLink parameters
> > Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 00:28:31 -0400
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > alright lance... your context works... but it also states that there is a 
> > bug with parameters... you hadnt mentioned that
> > 
> > kcola...@live.com
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: kcola...@live.com
> > To: users@tapestry.apache.org
> > Subject: RE: EventLink parameters
> > Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 17:43:37 -0400
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Lance, this has specifically to do with the parameters construct failing on 
> > java methods
> > 
> > I dont know what to do.
> > 
> > I wrote the method as you specified.
> > 
> > 
> > t:parameters="prop:{'pageNum':'indexValue'}" 
> > t:parameters="prop:{'pageNum':'${pageIndex}'}" 
> > 
> > parameters construct refuses to create the Map if I use a java method or 
> > try to dereference a java method
> > 
> > kcola...@live.com
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: kcola...@live.com
> > To: users@tapestry.apache.org
> > Subject: RE: EventLink parameters
> > Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 16:20:46 -0400
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > t:parameters="prop:{'pageNum':'indexValue'}" 
> > t:parameters="prop:{'pageNum':'${pageIndex}'}" 
> > 
> > 
> > Lance, thats just the problem... I did just that and it doesnt work.
> > 
> > indexValue and pageIndex are both from within the java
> >                                                                             
> >                                                                             
> >                                               

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