Hi everybody,

I need to implement a dialog to choose a file or folder in a Tapestry page. 
Ideally I would like the dialog to be a system dialog, like the one I get when 
using the "<j:ajaxUpload>" component 
(http://tapestry5-jquery.com/components/docsajaxupload), which on Windows is 
the standard Windows "Open file" dialog (at least it looks just identical).

When I look at the available Ajax - jQuery components 
(http://tapestry5-jquery.com/components/) I do see the ajaxUpload component and 
a lot of other useful components but I can't seem to see a file chooser.

So I'm wondering if I should I just use the dialog component 
(http://tapestry5-jquery.com/components/docsjquerydialog), or is there a 
file-choosing component available that I can use - preferably with the look and 
feel of a system dialog ?

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