Well - it looks like this modifyThreadGroup permission is checked when
getting ThreadGroup.getParent only when it reaches the "rootGroup", which
is supposedly somehow special (
GAE doesn't like user code calling ThreadGroup.getParent() (line 597 of
TapestryInternalUtils, in your stack trace) which seems an unnecessary
restriction given that access to Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup() is
allowed. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bug open against GAE on
Bummer, I just confirmed that the same error happens when deployed in
AppEngine. At first glance this looked similar to an issue that was fixed a
couple of years ago (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TAP5-1616), but
this is definitely different. I do recall that in general in production one
I took 5.4-beta-22 out for a spin yesterday and I ran into the
following exception when trying to run the AppEngine local dev server
and there is an error on the page and Tapestry attempts to display the
exception page. I'm not yet sure if this is going to work when
deployed to AppEngine proper, bu