Like Kevin Menard who submitted JIRA 1932 on this, I'm working on data
objects coming from our app's business layer.  We may need to support
several front end or web service technologies with our domain objects, so we
don't want them to know about Tapestry.  I want (badly) to be able to use
BeanEditForm on them, but I can't go in and put @Validate on properties in
those objects.  A workaround is to inject the beaneditform component into
the page class and check validation on success of the form, but that
undermines client-side validation.

In (closed) JIRA 1932, Howard says:  "Most of the things you want to do,
outside of validation, are already supported..."  But validation is the
entire point.  Kevin has a great suggestion there with


Bill @ PeoplePad

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