Today I'm more in love with Tapestry (5) than ever before. I had a
milestone demo at work which went well, and could actually show a good
portion of a re-written website running and working! I'm at the
heights of my project development. I'm sure there are still few more
of dark evenings loaded with frustration in store for my future, but
I'm going to enjoy today...

>From my daily work with T5 over past few months I can say with
confidence it is a love-hate relationship. I get frustrated trying to
get over the learning curve when things don't work. I don't enjoy
stepping into the framework's guts unless I absolutely have to... But
then...when I finally get things to work, it's like EVERY TIME the
code is so elegant and gorgeous, it just makes me love Tapestry that
much more. It's an amazing feeling, one I haven't had in many years as
a Java dev.

And we love our new SPRING-less world of Tapestry! We love Tap-IOC
painlessly injecting us remote EJB proxies :) LOVE IT !!! Our app
layer is as light as it can be. We literally run only on:

* Tapestry
* Apache commons lang
* And of course EJB client libs

In practice, we are able to concurrently run two completely different teams:

Tapestry Devs and EJB/Hibernate devs. Both are experts within their
own domain, no stepping on each other's toes :) Sure, this could be
done with any framework, it's just that Tapestry makes it so darn easy
and most importantly F-U-N :-)

Thank you for this great framework !


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