Re: T5 5.0.4 loop and checkbox

2007-05-21 Thread 蝈蝈龙 should look like // class Category{ ... @persist private List _myList = new ArrayList(); public List getMyList(){return this._myList;} public void setMyList(List _myList){ this_myList = _myList}; // RowItem my be a DTO, just keep the checked status(from page) and lab

T5 5.0.4 loop and checkbox

2007-05-21 Thread jason lea
Hi, I am new to Tapestry and have started a project where we want to use Tapestry 5. My question is about how I can use the loop and checkbox with my code. I will have a few objects to play with like User and Category. User has a Set of Category objects. Category just holds an id and string