
the HibernateEntityValueEncoder creates ValueEncoder for every 
contributed Entity class.... that's nice... but if i submit a page with a 
select component that used a list of entities to generate the selection
model i will receive an exception if no option was selected! this is
because the ValueEncoder will try to coerce the empty field to the
type of the id field!! (i use blankOption=ALWAYS)

the problem now is, that if i contribute my own ValueEncoder i get 
an IOC warning that there is already one registered for my entity 
class. I need either a way to disable the HibernateEntiyValueEncoder
or a way to override the automatically generated ValueEncoders with
a custom one. 

i think the HibernateEntityValueEncoder should only then attempt 
to reload the entity if the value is non-empty; if empty or null it should
return null

any suggestions? JIRA?


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