Tap 5.0.9: How to unit test a DAO service with tapetsry-hibernate module

2008-02-03 Thread Shing Hing Man
I have created a DAO service which has HibernateSessionManager (from the tapestry-hibernate module) as a property. In AppModule : public static MyFolderDAO buildMyFolderDAO( @InjectService(HibernateSessionManager) HibernateSessionManager sessionManager) {

Re: Tap 5.0.9: How to unit test a DAO service with tapetsry-hibernate module

2008-02-03 Thread Shing Hing Man
Thanks for the suggestion! After reading http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/Tapestry5HowToIocAndHibernate and tried a few combinations. The following works. 1) In AppModule : define the MyFolderDAO service as before. 2) Create AppModuleTest.java which is only available in unit test.