Hi all 


I know this topic of conversation has sprung up many times and I feel a
bit stupid asking. I have an eventHandler method that returns an object.
I have looked at the wiki regarding the GenericSelectionModel and have
implemented it in my own class, however I get classCast Exceptions: 


za.co.easypay.web.tapestry.core.model.GenericSelectionModel cannot be
cast to [Ljava.lang.String; [at context:collector/Search.tml, line 18]


Here is my method that is called onChange event: 


public Object onProvideValues(String input) {


      List<String> locations = new ArrayList<String>();


      this.locationList =


      for(Location loc : this.locationList) {





      GenericSelectionModel locationModel = new
GenericSelectionModel(locations, "name", propertyAccess);

      return locationModel;




..and here is my t:model method that initially populates my select
component when the page loads which works fine: 


public SelectModel getModel() {


      try {

          this.locationList =


      } catch (LocationTypeNotFoundException e) {

          // TODO Auto-generated catch block



      GenericSelectionModel locationModel = new
GenericSelectionModel(this.locationList, "name", propertyAccess);

      return locationModel;



I have overlooked something obvious here?


Thank you 



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