Can someone provide clarity about usage of @SCRIPT
I have used this component successfully with my CustomHead.JAVA which is a 
@Shell extension... and obviously this KIND of logic/code lives right around 
the @Body component + html body tag
But I want to design/implement some widgets. And in alot of cases these widget 
implementation are performed burrowed off into their java module, jwcid module 
and template HTML module. The template HTML module has no body and typically 
looks like...
<span jwcid="$content$">
    <div>blah blah blah stuff</div>

and I am thinking that I would like to implement @Script like this...
<span jwcid="$content$">
    <div>blah blah blah stuff</div>
    <span jwcid="@Script" script="/org/demo/widget/My.script" />

Is this legal? Is it alright for the javascript code to be generated/rendered 
within widgets at various levels?
Or do they ALWAYS have to be at the root page next to the BODY tags?
Any clarification is appreciated.Best regardsKen in nashua
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