I have a widget that extends from Image and automates a temporary surrogate 
image if the image happens to be blank.
public abstract class MimedImage extends Image
No forms... no templates... no html. Just a pure java tapestry widget.
And it also fixes up mime properties too. In the event the image is blank/null 
(which is the case on initialization until the user populates it) and also the 
case whereby tapestry fails to articulate mime type (which tapestry has shown 
to fail on) this widget assigns proper mime type.
So I get default image and fixed up mime.
I want to extend this further. Allow me to elaborate.
I am inspired by the nice scripting capabilities tapestry offers and want to 
put it to good use.
USE CASE: I want to create a derivative of MimedImage that paints a transparent 
dom box inside the lower left corner of the image displaying some kind of title 
text or date text. Just painting property text on a dom that sits ontop of and 
within the widget at some determined comfortable location.
I am confused about inheritence.
QUES: Should I consider using templates and inherit from BaseComponent and 
delegate? Or can I get away with simple pure java tapestry widget again and use 
scripting to create the DOM element and enter transparent text? Since I am just 
painting on DOM element text, I am inclined to go with latter.
Can someone shed some light on how to create the DOM element in tapestry SCRIPT 
and paint it on some comfortable location on this widget?
Any sample code would be appreciated.
Best regardsKen in nashua
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