Hello everybody,

My question is about multiple tomcat instances and redirection of URLs to other 
ports on IIS6 windows server 2003.

I have two Java apps (web archives) GeoServer and GeoNetwork. Because they are 
quite big memory intensive apps, I've heard it's recommended to run two 
instances of Tomcat.

I've downloaded the windows service installer (32bit, tomcat 8.09) and 
installed two copies of Tomcat with separate ports namely:

 *   Instance 1:
    *   HTTP 8083, redirect 8100,
    *   Shutdown port 8005,
    *   AJP 8009, redirect 8100
 *   Instance 2:
    *   HTTP 8084, redirect 8101
    *   shutdown 8006,
    *   AJP 8010, redirect 8101

Everything seems to work correctly if I type in the URL with the port number, 
but site is only available to public users on port 8080.

So my question is how do I redirect users who say type in 
www.example.com/geoserver<http://www.mysite.com/geoserver> to 
www.example.com:8083/geoserver<http://www.mysite.com:8083/geoserver>, or 
www.example.com/geonetwork<http://www.mysite.com/geonetwork> to 
www.example.com:8084/geonetwork<http://www.example.com:8084/geonetwork> without 
them seeing. Do I need some kind of ISAPI filter to do this in IIS6?

Apologies if this is dumb question or the wrong forum, any help though would be 
very much appreciated!


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