

I am running a Red Hat Enterprise 4 Linux Server.  I have Tomcat installed
under port 8080.  I have setup "iptables" to redirect all request for port
80 to 8080.  I also have Java JDK 1.5.0_10 installed.  The $CATALINA_HOME
and $JAVA_HOME variables have been set inside /etc/profile.   Tomcat runs in
normal mode, and everything is working excellent.  The only issue I am
having is getting Tomcat to server HTTPS.  I have followed the tutorial on
how to use "keytool" and successfully generated an private key, certificate,
and then had the certificate signed by Verisign.  I then import the signed
certificate with keytool.  I have uncommented the section within server.xml
and pointed it to the location of the keystore, and it's password.  I even
changed the port from 8443 to 443 and the corresponding forwarding value for
8080.  By the way Apache HTTP Server is not running on this machine.

My iptables are setup to allow 80, 8080, and 443.  Yet I can't get Tomcat to
use SSL.  If anyone can please provided me with directions for getting
tomcat to server SSL I would be most thankful.  Tomcat is running


Im not sure if there is anything special I need to do with JSSE???
Everything I can find states it as a requirement but since I am using JDK
1.5.0_10, it should already be included if my understanding is correct.  Is
there anything special which needs to be done to use it in my version?


Thanks in advance,

Blake Smith




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