Hi All,

Just a word of warning...apparently the sloppy Tomcat programmers did not thoroughly test TC 5.5.12.

The <Host> element has an attribute, "xmlValidation". In the default server.xml that's distributed with TC this value is set to false. If you set it to "true" you will see a boatload of very nice, completely unfriendly stack traces. Thank you, lazy Tomcat developers. I set this attribute to "true" on my own web app, hoping to validate my simple web.xml, and I received the same stack trace.

It's bad enough that this feature was not tested before TC 5.5.12 was released, but why couldn't the TC programmers give nice, easy to read error messages instead of an ugly stack trace? Lazy programmers with no regard for user friendly messages, that's why.

Oh BTW, if you are wondering what the "xmlValidation" attribute is for don't bother looking at the TC documentation (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/config/host.html). It seems the Tomcat programmers did bother to update the documentation. It still the same crappy, incomplete documentation we've been living with for so many years.

Personally, I am getting really sick of the sloppiness of the Tomcat programmers. It's not just this 'xmlValidation' issue but several others over the past years. Additionally, I'm fed up with their snotty, arrogant attitudes.

When someone criticizes the poor state of an open sores project (as I am doing now), the typical response from the open sores programmer is to shift responsibility to the user -- the user is often told to dig through the change logs or browse the forum archives or even to fix the bug/documentation themselves instead of "useless complaining". What an unprofessional, lazy attitude from programmers! The open sores programmers try to cast *their* laziness as the user's laziness for "not digging deeply enough" to resolve their own problem, or even fixing the problem themselves by going into the source code.

Yes, yes, I know Tomcat is "not for me". You're right. Good bye Tomcat, hello Jetty. I dobt Jetty could be worse.

Bob Bronson

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