> In our environment we have multiple boxes each with multiple NICs.  In
> order for clustering to work I had to explicitly specify the address
> of eth0 for the tcpListenAddress because "auto" wasn't working. Is it
> possible to specify failover address for this attribute?  In the case
> that just eth0 (or the router it is connected to) goes down it would
> be nice for the session replication to still work since connections
> will still be coming in via the alternate NIC.
> Basically I'm looking for the ability to do something like:
> <Receiver
> className="org.apache.catalina.cluster.tcp.ReplicationListener"
>                 tcpListenAddress=";"
>                 tcpListenPort="4005"
>                 tcpSelectorTimeout="100"
>                 tcpThreadCount="6"/>
> Thanks for any time/help.
> -Adam

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