Thanks for the reply, Kirk. Calling touch probably would force Tomcat to
reload the jsp, but it's not a complete solution. In production
environments, Tomcat polls the filesystem for changes, so until the next
polling cycle hits, the app would still get a ClassCastException.
Additionally, there
Thanks for the response, but that doesn't appear to solve my problem. I'm
not really concerned with when jsps are compiled, or even when they are
loaded, but rather when they are reloaded. Allow me to provide a sample
<%...@page import="load.test.Car"%>
I am developing an app framework that has a very costly startup cycle.
Consequently, I try to avoid restarting apps because it takes a long time
for the core to get spooled up. In this vein I have a custom classloader
that reloads the WEB-INF/classes directory without doing a full restar