Dear Tomcat support,

I am a developer working on Java applications and have been using different
containers and deployment platforms. I would like to have a question on the
access logs.

The access logs of Tomcat is configured in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml,
the "Valve" attribute
with className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve". The format of
log is governed by the pattern expression, referenced in the documentation
of Tomcat (TOMCAT_URI/config/valve.html).

Is it possible to format the log with customized field name and string
contents? I've been looking for answer in the web but no clear answer is
I read through the usage / developer docs and source codes of Tomcat and
find some clues. Would such require modifications of Tomcat source codes:

Editing "protected AccessLogElement createAccessLogElement()" to add new
pattern items in the switch-case flow for any new field-value pairs, and
implement new element class(es) for AccessLogValue.

Could you please kindly help to advise?
Thank you.


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