Hi everyone,

I'm using Tomcat's parallel deployment feature, and I wonder whether
there's a way to request a specific version of my webapp.

Let's say I have a WAR named myapp##001.war deployed on my server and just
deployed a new WAR myapp##002.war.
Requests to http:/myserver/myapp/.. are transparently mapped by Tomcat to
version 001 for existing sessions and to version 002 for new sessions.

Is there a way to explicitly request version 001, like
http://myserver/myapp##001/...? That specific syntax obviously doesn't
work, otherwise I wouldn't be asking :)

BTW: The reason I'm asking is because that transparent shift from one app
release to the next doesn't play along well with any caches (browser,
caching proxies, CDNs etc.):
When a shift to the next app release occurs, I generally need the client
browsers to fetch a fresh copy of all files belonging to that release. And
the only way to force them to do that is by having them use a different URL
than for the old app release files..

So my idea is to have the browser make an initial request to
http://myserver/myapp/redir.do, when launching the app, which
instantaneously redirects to the actual release-specifc URL
http://myserver/myapp##00x/... , thereby having the browser use
release-specific URLs for all application files.

Any help is appreciated.
- Hartmut

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