
I am hosting multiple sites on one Windows 2003 box using Apache 2.2.4 The
sites are all built on Joomla 1.4 and therefore I have PHP 5.2.1 and MySql
installed. Everything works fine.

I also have Tomcat 5.5 installed and running happily on port 8080. I now
have need to build a site using JSP/servlets but naturally I need to pass
the requests for JSPs through the webserver to Tomcat as I want access to
the site through port 80. I have done this before a few years ago but now I
can not find the required mod_jk2- 2.43.dll

The official Apache binary download page at


purports to being for Win32 but other than the ISAPI_redirect DLL files the
rest are .so files for UNIX/linux. Is this an oversight on Apache's part?
I would really appreciate help on getting this issue sorted. I know it can
be done but I can not find the correct files anywhere and I don't fancy
building from source.

As a follow up to the original question: could a link the Apache httpd
server with the Tomcat container in Glassfish? I would ideally like to have
a full J2EE server.

Many thanks

Hugh Acland

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