Expression language in Tomcat 6

2007-11-16 Thread Ignacio Iborra
Hi. After some hours trying to execute a simple example of a taglib (displaytag), just one moment before going completely crazy, I've found the problem. I wanted to make a query to a database and show the results in a table using the display tag library. But the expression language was not

How to configure Tomcat response timeout?

2007-05-09 Thread Ignacio Iborra
Hi! We are trying to call a JSP file that inserts a lot of records into a database, but Tomcat stops the process before it is finished. Anyone knows if there is any configuration tag anywhere to set this timeout? Thanks! -

Configuring a security manager under Windows with Tomcat 5.5

2006-11-17 Thread Ignacio Iborra
Hello. I've been reading the jakarta documentation about how to set a Security Manager in Tomcat 5.5 under Windows, in order to apply the permissions in catalina.policy file. The Jakarta documentation page says that I must start the server with the command: %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\catalina start