I don't now a guide and I'm not using Maven. You may try

1st way:

Preferences - Server - Installed Runtimes - Add ...

project node - right click - Debug On Server

Every time a file changes, Tomcat reloads the app.

Temporary location of deployed files is

I experienced some difficulties in using log4j. log4j.properties were not found 
in WEB-INF/classes. During development put log4j.properties in ECLIPSE_HOME 
oder use absolute path or ask for a better solution.

toogle browser intern/extern:
Window - Browser

In view Servers you may add and remove applications, start, restart, ... 

2nd way:

use Sysdeo tomcat plugin

Am Di 29.08.2006 16:16 schrieb Douglas Ferguson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Anybody know of a good guide to using WTP to deploy to tomcat?
> I'm current replacing my ant scripts with maven and have lost the ability to 
> do a "file deploy", i.e. just jsps and not entire war file.

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