Can't fully undeploy a servlet application in Tomcat 6.0.18

2009-09-04 Thread JOman
I'm using the Tomcat Web Application Manager to deploy and undeploy servlet applications on a Windows 2003 server box. Sometimes, not all of the files are deleted from the application directory during an undeploy, because something has them locked. The files that are locked are one or more HT

Re: Slow servlet response under WinXP Pro

2009-03-31 Thread JOman
Tommy, Thanks for the response! I'll change the code to use the newer driver name. I started with a demo app that I wrote about six years ago. That is the reason for the older driver name. > 1) Fragmentation of your partition, especially the partition where the DB resides. I'll check into

Slow servlet response under WinXP Pro

2009-03-30 Thread JOman
Hello! I am working on a servlet application. It is a data entry application that reads data from a Navision database, and writes data to MySQL. Here is the setup: WinXP Pro with Service Pack 3 (dev. box) / Windows 2003 Server (prod. box) Apache 2.2.11 Tomcat 6.0.18 MySQL 5.1.30 MySQL Connect