How to Build Tomcat 4.1.x or 5.0.x on Windows?

2005-10-15 Thread James W. Anderson
I downloaded the source zip for both Tomcat 4.1.3 and 5.0.30 and have been struggling for three days now to get a build to work. I'm using the Sun J2SE 1.5 JDK and Ant 1.6.5. I followed the build instructions on the Tomcat web site and downloaded all of the required files, and have been slowly ma

RE: Tomcat hangs with lots of DBCP "Object.wait" processes

2005-10-14 Thread James W. Anderson
Is the Tomcat instance making connections to MySQL? Have you checked MySQL to see if there are an abnormally large number of connections at the time Tomcat fails? Do the MySQL logs tell you anything that suggests some of these threads/sessions might be deadlocked? -Original Message- Fro

RE: Tomcat 4.1.31 hangs after 2 days .. any idea on what going on .. ?... please help

2005-10-14 Thread James W. Anderson
Check the memory usage on the JVM that's running Tomcat. If you see the memory usage steadily tick upward, it's likely that somewhere in one of the web apps (or perhaps in Tomcat itself) a thread is creating resources and never releasing them. Could be a Collection somewhere that just keeps growi