
I am not a JVM-guru, but I'm guessing here. Tomcat 5.5 demands, as far as i know, jdk 1.5. You're not stating which version of tomcat you're using so this might not even be the case for you.

I'm not sure if this can cause a JVM crash like this, but my idea is that class files compiled with jdk 1.5 might crash if executed with jdk 1.4 since jdk 1.5 has specific new features that are not available in jdk 1.4.


Robert Sösemann wrote:

we have a really tricky problem while running our web-application:

The JVM crashes from time to time for no apparent reason.
There seems to be no direct relation to any user-action, method-call or whatever.

We've checked the JVM crash dumps, but were not able to find
something suspicious. The only ideas we've come up, were the usual suspects: JNI-calls and JDBC-Type2-drivers.

This is our current setup:
- JVM 1.4.2_09 on Linux SuSE 9.3
- mysql-database 4.1.14-max with - mysql-connector-java-3.0.14-production driver
- postgresql-database 8.0.3 with postgresql-8.0-312.jdbc3 driver

The only JNI-calls that I know of, is through some 3rd party
UUID-library from "org.doomdark.jug". Maybe the forementioned jdbc-drivers contain JNI-calls, despite being Type4-drivers.

I've also checked a bunch of mailing-lists and it seems there
are some outstanding bugs in hotspot, that may trigger the crash. Does anybody have more information or a workaround for this?

Who can help? Thanks in advance!

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