Re: Problem in accessing jsp:useBean

2010-11-17 Thread Karl San Gabriel
*Your code: %@ page import = beans.*, java.sql.*% jsp:useBean id=verify scope=session class=PasswordEncryptService /* I think the value for class should be beans.PasswordEncryptService. Class should be package.class. That's what I remember. or

Re: Tomcat Re-direct

2010-10-18 Thread Karl San Gabriel
How about changing TOMCAT_HOME\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\web.xml? === description Welcome to Tomcat /description !-- JSPC servlet mappings start -- servlet servlet-nameorg.apache.jsp.index_jsp/servlet-name

Re: Re: session.isNew() not thread safe?

2009-03-02 Thread Karl San Gabriel
Hi Jakob, Session object is not thread-safe. It's better put the session object in a synchronized block. Regards, Karl San Gabriel Tim Funk wrote: div class=moz-text-flowed style=font-family: -moz-fixedSort of (if I read the code correctly) isNew is set to false after the response

Re: encodeRedirectURL URL rewrite not working

2009-01-21 Thread Karl San Gabriel
Hi Greg, HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(String) basically just commands the web browser proceed to another URL. It's like opening another browser window, typing the other URL in the Address bar, then hitting the Enter button. The session object created in the second web application is a

Re: Writing a proxy transformation servlet.

2009-01-19 Thread Karl San Gabriel
sandy8531 wrote: Hi, I need to set up a proxy-server-with-transformation that frontends the clients and transforms the incoming request (HTTP post) and forwards it to the actual application server, and then get a response back and transforms it back into data format that the client understands