Ted Spradley writes:

> Problem: A Tomcat application at context "/mycontext" on port 8081
> running through Apache proxy renders as expected when using
> http://example.com/mycontext but https://example.com/mycontext call
> renders "The requested URL /mycontext/ was not found on this server."

Dear Ted,

I'm running a similar configuration, using stock Apache httpd/Tomcat on
CentOS 7 to host the Shibboleth IdP.  Rather than try to proxy
HTTPS-HTTP, I'm using the AJP connector.  In the httpd configuration,
I've enabled mod_proxy_ajp and set the following in the VirtualHost
section for the IdP web site:

ProxyPass        /idp ajp://localhost:8009/idp
ProxyPassReverse /idp https://login.example.com/idp

"/idp" here being the Tomcat Catalina context.  I did not change any of
the connectors listed in server.xml.

Note that I do not allow unencrypted access to this application: I
redirect all HTTP requests to the HTTPS site, and I set a HSTS header
that signals browsers to remember this for future connection attempts. 

Best wishes,

P.S. If you haven't already, please review
https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS and apply its
recommendations to your Apache httpd configuration.

"The lyf so short, the craft so longe to lerne."

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