I'm using Tomcat 8.5.4.  I've got a JASPIC question
When I call AuthConfigFactory#registerConfigProvider() if I pass null for the 
3rd parameter (the appContext) there is no registration.  The registrationID 
returned by calling registerConfigProvider() is null.  And in testing I can 
verify the AuthModule code isn't running.  I get different behavior with 
GlassFish and Payara.  If I do the same with GlassFish or Payara, a null value 
for the 3rd parameter registers the AuthModule for ALL applications.  I believe 
this is consistent with the JASPIC 1.1 spec which says:

appContext- A String value that may be used by a runtime to request a 
configuration object from
this provider. A null value may be passed as an argument for this parameter, in 
which case the provider
is registered for all configuration ids (at the indicated layers).

So my question is, with Tomcat, what value can I pass for the 3rd parameter of 
the registerConfigProvider() method call (the appContext parameter) which will 
register the AuthModule for ALL applications?  Or, is this not supported yet by 

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